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Running again the new experience Part 1

Day 1 of the personal challenge

So here goes... I had decided to start a personal challenge I was going to run 10k in what is one of the biggest events in Limerick City, Ireland. I had decided to do the great limerick run, This would be my first 10k in over 4 years and i had decided to build but to it in just 7 weeks. After over 10 years in the sport of rowing I woke up one morning and quit, just like that I had decided to just leave. It was my thinking at the time that I would leave an finally have a life, you see if you don't know the sport of rowing it can be the most unsocial, impersonal sport that is available for the human body to put itself through on a daily basis. now some might call me a moaner and an out right p***y but I am sorry unless you have put yourself through 10 years in this sport then please do not comment. My reckoning was that I would finally be able to go on that night out and I would finally be able to go on that holiday without consulting with the annual rowing calendar. To my extreme astonishment it actually worked. I woke up the morning after I had said goodbye to my club took one look in the mirror and said to myself what shall I do. The real truth is I had no clue, all of my friends were yet to find out that I had said goodbye to the sport which I had dedicated my secondary school & college years too. The thing is that when you get so used to one certain way of life waking up at 6:30 for training going to school, training again, study and then sleep. Bare in mind I did this much for the first 6 years of my life in the sport. The final few years where dealt with in being apart of various committees as well as training as well as trying my damn hardest to keep up with family life. You can see from the above the reason as to why I left. I had felt that I lost a lot of my school years & college years to the sport which I loved. Was this my own fault was I the reason to all of those lost years of making long lasting friends in school and college... The answer is very simple YES I was I in this case was my own worst enemy. This led to the last 3-4 years of me catching up with school friends and college friends many of whom I now have great friendships with. I had then decided to take upon myself a new challenge, no rowing, no being apart of a life drawing club, no commitments to anyone, anyone that is but myself. I had decided that after all of the years I just wasted drinking, partying and hanging out with my friends that I would complete my very own 10k challenge. I sat down one night with my girlfriend who I have been with for over 4 years now ironically enough we met in a rowing club. That though is not the point, the point is that when I sat beside her she said are you going back to eating healthily again, training a few times a week and due to my constant complaining about the weight I had put on from going from training 6 days a week to now none at all, she had enough and finally said you have put on weight and it is time you did something about it. You see I work full time and found it very hard to adapt, but with the kick up the rear end she kindly provided me with I said F**k it I am better than this and I need to get back to being me. The challenge was simple as many runners would know you have to start out small and work your way to the top. In turn I decided that my first night back on the road to running i would do a 3km run. Normally back in my fitness and healthy eating routine I would have completed this in around about a couple of minutes like any normal person really, this time was different though I had come to my finish line with enough breath to ring my house mate to let me in and just about make it up the stairs of the apartment block. I knew from that moment on this was going to be no easy challenge. I then thought how many others are there like me, I need to share this insight into getting off my a**e and doing something about my weight so here yo have it the being of my story.......

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