Lift Lighter To Get Heavier Results

Easy Up On The Reps Then Watch Your Arms Balloon:
Bro science is far too often a
whole load of hot air. Take it nice and easy if you want to actually see a bit enough hormonal hit.
Go hard or go home, one or the other. These are the options laid out for us by "fitness boneheads" who see "gainz" as a direct result of effort. On a more simplistic note this is true enough. The issue is, effort in certain circles has come to mean self - flagellation ( just going through the motions - flogging yourself about) rather than self - improvement. Sorry now but what ever happened to going just trying your best? Stepping into your Nike, addidas or whatever footwear you decide to get into, & throwing on some go old heavy metal has become akin to joining a cult. Just take a look at #FitFam or the US bone crunching export we all know today CrossFit.
Zealots punish their bodies in search of a hormone spike to build biceps like boulders. Less rock solid, though, is the longevity of these endless persuits (1). What's more the hormonal quest isn't quite as straight forward as all those Instagram muscle posterboys would have you believe. To chase a testosterone boost from exercise as if it's a video game power - up of some sort is to misunderstand the biochemistry at play.
Next time you load up the squat rack with 200kg, consider this: each rep uses up your testosterone. You're spending all that your own boys produce during the day. So what? Well, you see your body brings a base amount of T to the party. Factors such as sleep deprivation, stress, lack of exercise or too much exercise can cause your levels to dip (2).
When the hormone takes a bad enough tumble, your body switches to its back - up generator. This is adrenaline. You may be familiar with its effect. Ever trained in the evening and spent the first few hours of the night lying awake with your heart pumping harder than a pre-Terminator Arnie? Perhaps you've taken on a fitness challenge only to find yourself completely sapped of energy? That right there is adrenaline overload for you. This hormone exists as a jolt to the system when your body is in dyier straits. To constantly rely on adrenaline is to pump your body with nothing but pure poison. With this level of under-recovery you will most definately burn out. Perhaps not today, perhaps not this year, but eventually injuries will pervade and you immunity will suffer a great amount.
So what options are left to gainers on a misson if going at the wights room like a jacked-up berserker is off the cards? while it may go against everything your shouty PT stands for, try slowing down.
1. Keep rolling on: High intensity training takes its toll. Offset any harm with foam rolling, swimming and mobility drills, lest you path to fitness be cut short.
2. Supp It Up: Keep high levels of testosterone by eating lots of protein and fats along with zinc, Vit D and Magnesium suppliments. Try to take long naps too.
3. Take Two: Swap heavy weights for press-up variations, or work with a partner to create resistance. Stop before you lose form and hurt yourself.