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Rotate that 6 - pack routine.

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For those of you whose summer 6 pack development is going so swimmingly that you're currently holding that god awful plank position whilst actually clicking through these articles, you indeed might just need a new challenge. Part broga move, part MMA warm up, the triangle headstand is a full body workout that will have your abs tapping out long before the session is up. It is a test of your core stabilisers, and in mastering the move you'll also strengthen the muscles in your neck, while working the erectors that protect your spine during exertion, which means an injury-proof back, ringside or poolside. Looking to add some heavyweight muscle? You also get a shoulder workout worthy of any barbell complex as your delts go all out to support you. "face down, ass up" is quite literally going to be your new gym mantra.

1. Set Up: Practise next to a wall first time around. kneel on a gym mat, with your forearms on the floor in a triangle shape, fingers interlocked.

2. Face Down: Easy? Get ready to turn it up a notch. Place the crown of your head between your arms. 'Walk' in as far as you can, so you finish on tiptoes.

3. Ass Up: Shift onto your arms as your feet leave the floor one at a time. Push your arms into the ground, bend at the knees and tense your core.

4. Steady On: You're on the home straight: slowly extend your legs: hold the position for 10 breaths. Reverse the process to return to solid ground.

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