King Prawn for the hard working athlete

Prawn Salad
1 x packet of prawns either from your supermarket of fishmongers
1 x head of lettuce
1 x stick of spring onion
1 x tomatoe
1 half of a beetroot (depending on the size of the beetroot)
1 of each pepper ( green, yellow and red)
Hint: Make this dish in a plastic bowl and transfer to bowl or plate of choice.
Everyone know's prawns are great for you with a leafy salad and some home made dressing is always great, but exactly what are the benefits of eating prawns... Why prawns?
Proteins: Proteins are the building blocks of the body. Body required proteins not only to be healthy but also to repair any damage that has been done to the body like an injury or regular day to day repair.
Calories: Prawns have very less calories as compared to most other meats and thus is very good for keeping the calorie count down and loose weight.
Vitamin B 12: Prawns are rich source of Vitamin B 12. B 12 is very useful not only in keeping memory sharp but also is very good for cardiac health and also is needed by arteries and veins to work properly.
Calcium: Since prawns are very rich source of calcium it is thus very good for teeth and bones.